Kota Buku is the organiser of the annual Kuala Lumpur Trade and Copyright fair and is also the lead Malaysian agency for the Bologna International Book Fair, the China Children's Book Fair in Shanghai and the Beijing Book Fair. In addition, the company also participates in other international fairs and conferences. "There is definite synergy between Oyez!Books and Kota Buku," says Sayed Munawar, CEO of Kota Buku. "Their books are of high quality and of international standard. We are proud to be their primary agent. This is in line with our mission to promote Malaysian books internationally," he adds. About Oyez!Books, www.oyezbookstore.com Oyez!Books was founded in 2008 as an imprint of Integra Majujaya and is now an imprint of Integra Creative Media Sdn Bhd. The imprint focuses on children's books by Malaysian writers and illustrators although it also publishes translations of international works. Oyez! Books & Gifts is a division of the imprint that aims to promote existing intellectual properties for licensing purposes. Contact: Linda Tan, email: [email protected] About Perbadanan Kota Buku (Kota Buku) www.kotabuku.my
The Perbadanan Kota Buku, a government-linked corporation, was established in line with the aspiration of the National Book Policy. Kota Buku aims to act as a nucleus for all book-related activities and to work with stakeholders in the book industry in order to enhance the book industry in Malaysia. This includes capacity building, content trading, organising book-related activities and being a technology enabler. Contact: Hasri Hasan, email: [email protected]
March 2022