Today, 29th July is Global Tiger Day. This majestic animal can be found in Malaysia but is now facing extinction. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified the Malayan tiger as "Critically Endangered", its numbers now reduced to an estimate of less than 300. How do animals become extinct? Mostly, it is through human carelessness and callousness. We hunt them and we destroy their habitat thoughtlessly. It is also ignorance. But we can correct this. Organisations such as the WWF are doing all they can to protect tigers. Individuals such as Rossiti Aishah Rashidi is doing all she can to educate children about caring for the environment and wildlife. Her three earlier books, Manja the Orang Utan, Puteri Tioman the Green Turtle, and Siti the Elephant highlight the plight of these animals. Now, almost two years in the making, Rossiti's next book is Pak Belang the Tiger, illustrated by Indonesan artist Widiyatno. Pak Belang is a name commonly given to the tiger. Meaning Uncle Stripe or Mister Stripe, it is both a respectful and affectionate term. The book engages children with its rich and realistic illustrations coupled with simple and clear text. Congratulations to author Rossiti for yet another wonderful book and we hope we will see more work from artist Widiyatno. Pak Belang the Tiger will be published in Dec 2016.
We are pleased to announce that Oyez!books are now available as e-books in the pdf format for children to read on their tablets and smart phones. At present we have nearly 60 books released as e-books and will continue to add more in the near future. The books are uploaded on Google Play. Children get enormous pleasure from reading our books and we would like to give them the option of having books downloaded on a tablet. The ebooks not only have lower price but also do not incur shipping costs. This is attractive especially for our customers overseas. In addition, the books are available for reading within minutes and not days. You can access our e-books in a few ways : 1. EBooks listing on Oyez! website Browse the EBook menu on our website. Each e-book product will contain a link to Google Play where you can proceed to purchase. 2. Print books listing on Oyez! website The second way is by browsing our print books in the Shop menu on our website. Any print book that has an EBook available will have a Google Play link which you can click on. 3. Direct from Google Play Store Alternatively, you can browse for our titles in Google Play Store directly. Look for books published by Oyez!Books, or search for your favourite Oyez! author or title. At Oyez!Books, our philosophy is not only producing quality books but to keep listening to our customers. And we will keep working towards getting the books to you through as many channels and mediums as possible. We welcome your feedback.
Singapore's children's picture books are growing in numbers and there are several writers and illustrators who have made their name internationally. Here we highlight two books that were published in what can be said to be the early days of children's picture book publishing in Singapore. 1. The Bird Who Was Afraid Of Heights Writtenby Farah Bagharib-Kaltz, illustrated by Eeshaun, published by Straits Times Press Eddie was a mynah bird who lived behind an abandoned old house. Eddie was afraid of heights which was rather a problem. But Eddie had a good and only friend, Matt the rat and they got along just fine. However, one day, Matt was captured and Eddie had to find hidden resources within himself to save his friend. The line illustrations in flat colours are effectively used in this picture book. The illustrations will certainly encourage children to pick up their pencils and start drawing. 2. Guai Wu the Chinese Elf Written by Adeline Foo, illustrated by Christine Lim Simpson
The detailed illustrations are a joy and complements the story very well. We are giving away picture books from different countries each month as part of our Around the World in Picture Books year-long programme. Get a chance to win with any purchase from Oyez! online bookstore!
March 2022