1. What inspires you? Could be a whiff of smoke, a twinkling star so sparkly in the deep midnight sky, glorious colours of sunset, trill of a family of sunbirds, a baby's gurgle and when he or she stretches out their little hand and encloses your finger and promptly puts it to their mouth to suckle, pure unadulterated laughter, the "shrush shrush" of waves, picking dead leaves and enjoying their myriad colours (as if God said, .."In your last breath, you die a glorious coloured death" and finding Magic in nature...I could go on and on and write a novel about it. 2. What do you like to do on Sundays? Why Sunday? What makes it different from other days? The sun rises and sets...it's no different from any other days. Sometimes I would like to lie on a hammock, at times work myself into a frenzy. It's just like any other day except when we go to market and I cook up a storm. 3. What makes you laugh? Laugh? What's that? Ha Ha! 4. What are your 3 tips for writing/illustrating children's books? Tips...As if, I, an artist can advice? Follow your heart and soul and let that motto guide you. 5. Draw or doodle something you enjoy. When I see little kiddos, I sketch and it sometimes inspires me to write wild cheeky stories.
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March 2022