In the first book, the three children met Tunku Abdul Rahman just before Malaysia achieved independence and helped him find the country's national anthem - Negaraku. In the second book, they met P. Ramlee who was then a struggling young artiste and helped him with his famous Bujang Lapuk performance that would later make his name. Heidi worked as a lawyer in UK and ran a cafe in Malaysia before becoming a writer and a literary agent. She won the first prize of the Eye Level Children’s Literature Competition (Regional Level) with her short story, ‘Johan the Bee Hunter,’ in 2012. She lives in Selangor with her husband and three children.
Test your knowledge on Malaysia with our Madly Malaysia Quiz Contest on OyezBooks Facebook page. Get the Top Ten scores and stand a chance to win some great prizes. Join the fun and take the quiz now! Contest Rules
Well-known Malaysian illustrator, Emila Yusof who wrote and illustrated the very popular trio of Dina Books... and bestseller Legendary Princesses of Malaysia... has produced the only locally designed four Colourart books for adults to be found in Malaysia. Two of the books are also now available in Germany! Emila will be featured in The New Straits Times on her books and their success. Stand by for the article!
At present the books may be purchased from: 1. 2. Silverfish Books, Level 2, Bangsar Village 2, Bangsar, KL. (Tel: 03-22011758) 3. Stickerrific, 83-1.2 Level 1, The Square, Jaya One, PJ. (Tel: 03-7495 5963) 4. Eversachi in Ipoh (Email: [email protected]; Tel: 017-5790575) 5. IKA Picture Story House, Kuching, (Tel: 60198178878 Email: [email protected]) Other book shops and art shops are planning to introduce them. If you wish to sell Emila's Colourart books, please email: [email protected] Yusof Gajah – internationally acclaimed artist, author, mentor of budding illustrators with a special love of children is currently working in Korea with Nami Island and on their new site in Jeju Island. And it's all about elephants of course. We love Yusof so much we have collected his art and made them into an ABC book - this is the Alphabet and Elephabet by Yusof Gajah:
Join us in celebrating World' s Indigenous People Day on 9th August at the Silverfish Festival of Cabbages with a talk by Fiona Wright, a project manager with the British Council on their Storybook project to collect folktales from Sabah and Sarawak.
April 2017
22 Apr - 14 May - Harmony with Nature Photo Contest 2017 22-23 Apr - Pustaka Bookaroo Festival of Children's Literature 17 Apr - Introduction to the Asian Festival of Children's Content 03 - 06 Apr - Bologna Children's Book Fair 2017 Categories
May 2017